Do you want to create a high-engagement, high-performance environment? It’s not enough that you provide direction, and then equip, support, coach and value your people. They have to believe and feel they have clear direction and are equipped, supported, coached and valued. Ultimately, the Right Environment is one in which everything they experience is consistently aligned with winning.
1. Before you start implementing any strategic initiative, review this model. Meet with your implementation team, explain the model, and ask: Which factors are currently misaligned with winning? How can we effectively align those factors? Then prioritize needs and take action.
Here are other resources you may find useful:
Learn: Why Leaders Must be Ruthlessly Consistent
Do: Are You Communicating the Right What, Why and How?
2. At predetermined intervals (monthly to start, less frequently over time), have the implementation team members assess how well the environment is aligned with winning (using the questionnaire provided here). Make adjustments as needed.
Here is another resources you may find useful: