It’s been a difficult and challenging year. Still, there are things to be grateful for if we’re willing to orient our hearts and minds in that direction.
The First Gratitude
If it weren’t for COVID I wouldn’t have …
What is one positive thing you wouldn’t have done if COVID had never happened? Spend the time you did with those closest to you? Read a book that caused you to make a change? Rethink and revise your business model?
For me, because I usually travel extensively, I simply would not have been able to spend the time I needed to spend editing my book and then writing articles, appearing at digital events, and guesting on podcasts to support it once it launched. Those activities all had a significant impact on the success of the book.
The Second Gratitude
What I will appreciate when I have the opportunity to do it again is …
Be grateful for the things you previously took for granted that you won’t take for granted in the future. Like visiting family who are far away. Going to a ball game or a concert. Attending a major industry event.
I took for granted that it’s possible to travel and explore almost anywhere in the world. Now I realize that’s a privilege. Once we can travel and explore again, I’ll feel differently about that privilege.
The Third Gratitude
This is temporary, not permanent.
Keep the big picture in mind. In months, not years, we’ll see a significant return to life as it was. Many people — think of those in war times — have had to endure hardships much greater and for much longer than we have.
Would you like one more gratitude? The days are getting longer. Light is overtaking the darkness. Brighter days are ahead.
Make it happen.
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